Friday, June 19, 2009

The only thing worse than getting my finger cut off...

The only thing worse than getting my finger cut off was having stitches removed. That is what the PA and the nurse (great women with a lot of patience) from 10 am until 1 pm today. It hurt like $#&* and kept on coming. And guess what? 4 stitches refused to pull out after being snipped. Just great! Hopefully these will work out on their own during one of my hand soaks.

Anyways... Chipotle once again served its purpose as a post-trauma comfort food/distraction. And tomorrow I get to start therapy. And stop at a cool bike shop on the way home.

On Monday I will start the conversation as to what to do about my bike situation.



Leah said...

Glad to hear you're doing well (as well as can be expected minus a digit). I just read up on all the posts and damn... Congratulations on joining my grandmother in the ranks of the 9-fingered. She lost hers to a mixer.

Send pics sometime, jah?

Part Breaker said...

Greg and I were riding the other day and he was tight on my left side as we were moving at a good little pace down the road. I was able to toss some elbows in there and lean into him... sorry to hear that you haven't recovered quite as fast.

becky said...


So we are left to hope that you NEVER need stitches again, as their removal proved to be every bit as awful as you had anticipated... careful about the Chipotle, you wouldn't want it to develop negative associations in your mind!!

Andrew said...

that sucks. I've never had stitches...