Monday, May 25, 2009

Race Report

Saturday night I got into bed so exhausted that my fingers were tingling. Every muscle was tired... that good tired that you only get after spending a hard say in the saddle. Saturday was 100 Miles of Nowhere.
It's really hard to write a race report when the entire 100 miles took place in one spot. My legs went 100 miles, my cranks went 100 miles, the wheels went 100 miles, the frame didn't move an inch. Trials Dude and I got started round about 11:00, put in the first Indiana Jones movie and started riding. We knew this would be boring, we knew it would take a long time, and we knew that the only way that it was hapening was if we had something to focus on. Every two miles I took a drink, every 10 I got up off the bike for a bite of food, and every 30 I took a bathroom break.
The plan was to rely on consistency, sticking to the plan gave me a target that was never far away to keep the mental fatigue from creeping in. Even with that plan though it was tough. At about 50 miles The Trials Dude's phone broke... it had been in his jersey pocket and it was now soaking wet. Since we are leaving Tuesday to play at ITG he had to run to get his phone fixed... leaving me alone to finish.
As hard as this was with two people, it was much worse alone. Movies get old after an entire day of watching them. With my breaks getting longer and longer through the day I watched all three Indiana Jones movies, Iron Man, and Boodock Saints. It was only a 6:04 day in the saddle and i covered 100.1 miles. All in all I was hapy to do it, but I don't really ever want to do it again. I've done centuries out on the road and I felt much better on the bike the next day than I did Sunday... we'll see how today goes.
Pictures will be put of later.